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Effective Communication

Tips for Effective Communication

We spend a lot of time in life evaluating others and providing them with feedback. We usually like to receive feedback ourselves, using it as a means of improvement or to confirm that we have done a task well. We also evaluate ourselves and can be our own worst critic.

The evaluation of self is often done in an emotional, judgmental way. This month, spend five minutes each day evaluating yourself. As in the evaluation of others, be objective, non-judgmental and non-emotional. Use behavior descriptive statements and give the feedback in a constructive way. As well as giving constructive feedback to yourself in areas that you feel you need to improve, remember also to give positive feedback on all the things you did well that day.

Tips for Effective Teaching

Have you got paradigm paralysis? Do you teach the same way all the time? Do you feel you are on auto pilot? Maybe it is time to leave your comfort zone and try something new.

As the month progresses, we see changes all around us. Leaves are changing colour, fruits are ready to be harvested. There is a richness about fall with the beautiful reds and browns of the Autumn colours and the smell of the freshly picked crops.

Why should the foliage be the only thing to change? Let us ensure our teaching strategies regularly rather than allowing them to stay the same. It is easy to stay with the familiar, always working within our comfort zone. However change can enrich us and we will be able to reap the benefits in the classroom.


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