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Playing with Rats

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Fun Games With Rats

Paper Towel Threading
I poke just the ends of sheets of paper towels through the bars of their cages and then watch them, first of all, use all kinds of interesting techniques to get the whole piece into the cage. And, then, watch what they decide to do with them once they get them into the cages. It's so funny! They get very creative when trying to work those big pieces of paper towel all the way into the cage. And then, there is usually some tussling in the cage as they all fight to be head decorator.

Ring around Mom
I go to the cage (Martins R-695) and open both doors, I put one hand at the bottom of each door with my arms stretched out. The girls come running up one arm (all in a row) and around my neck, back down the other arm down the ramps and back to the other arm. They do this for a few rounds and then decide it is time to climb up the outside of the cage, and show off for mom, by seeing who can stand up the straightest for the longest time and then it is treat time and range time. I am not sure why they do this, but they sure do seem to have fun doing it. I too enjoy our ring around mom game.

The Bum Tickle
Our favorite game, between the Hershey's Kisses boys and I, is the "bum tickle". As they come up to me or run by me, I tickle their bums, just at the base of the tail. They bound off in hysterics. Sometimes they come back to me for more...sometimes they are so wound up by the game that they find another ratty partner and rat-wrestle.

Sofa Hide-and-Seek
Mine love to play hide and seek using pillows that are on the sofa. They will hide behind them and then run out and up on your lap until you chase them with your fingers. It's something that they love to do and can spend the longest time doing. I think sometimes they are trying to see who will wear out the first!

Chase the human around the couch
1. Place rats on couch, the more the better. I use six.
2. Walk around couch.
3. Watch in glee as stream of rats follows your every move.
4. Stretch out arms. Watch ratties climb. Snuggle.
Note: this game can be adapted to a bed, or to anywhere else you free-range your rats!

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