Playing with Rats
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Fun Games With Rats
Humanback rides
Lay belly down on the floor, and wait for the rats to climb aboard. Then,
very carefully, rise up to your hands and knees and start lumbering
around the room. Warning--do not do this while wearing a bikini!
Blanket tunneling
This is an especially good game for rats who are still a bit shy about
coming out into the open. I sit down on the bed or floor (or on the floor
with my back to the bed) and loosely drape a blanket over my chest and
legs. The rats have a great time tunneling through the blankets and climbing
up Mommy at the same time! It's a different game every time, as you can
shift the positions of your legs and arms to create different climbing
The Human Bridge
Human arms and shoulders are great fun for ratties to climb on! When my
ratties are up on a cage or dresser, put one hand up to them, and stretch
the other arm out to another surface. You can let them run across you
like a bridge, or wait until they are on board and switch positions so
that they end up in a completely unexpected spot.
The Arm-a-Coaster
If your rattie is very secure with you, you can give them a bit of a ride
when they climb onto your hand. As they cling to your sleeve, carefully
swing your arm around and up and down in loose curves. To add to the rat's
enjoyment, provide the appropriate sound effects by puckering your lips
and going "wooOOoo...wooOOoo...wooOOoo" as they ride.
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