Playing with Rats

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Suggestive Games2

Good Stress

Travel With Rats


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Travel With Rats


Tips For Car Travel With Rats

I've travelled 20,000 miles by car with rats, taking my guys cross-country a total of eight times. I had two rats for most of those trips, and three (in two cages) for the rest. I was five days on the road for each leg of the trip. At my destination I stayed anywhere from three weeks to three months. This was important to know because when travelling, I had to use
their travel cages, which were smaller than their home cages. That meant that they had to live in the travel cages at the destination too. Therefore their travel cages had to be of a reasonable size, and their living requirements had to be acceptable to some degree to the people I was staying with.

Planning Ahead
Planning ahead is essential. First, determine how many days you will be on the road, how long you will be at your destination and what the conditions there will be like for ratties, and plan accordingly. This makes your trip much easier and more pleasant for everyone.

The "Overnight Bags"
For the travel itself I had a plastic bag prepared for each night of the trip filled with dry food and change of bedding. I cleaned cages every night, putting in fresh newspaper as the underliner and flannel cloths as the surface. All used items (dirty bedding, food scraps, and so forth), except for the cloths, went into the plastic bag which I tied tightly and put into the motel trash can. The used cloths I put into a plastic bag in the trunk of the car to be washed when I arrived at my destination. (If you are on the road quite a long time, laundromats are almost everywhere.) You may use whatever bedding you want of course. My guys were accustomed to newspaper and flannel, and also, newspaper and cloth don't leave a mess during cage cleaning in the motel room.

Food and Water
For food I took their usual lab blocks and other dried foods, some of which was already packed in the "overnight bags." That way I didn't have to be fishing around for the dry food every night. I bought fresh food along the way, such as banana, apple, bread, or anything else easy to handle in a motel room or in the car.

My guys had always drunk either purified or distilled water instead of tap water. So I had at least a gallon jug of water in the car, and I could buy more along the way. I changed their water every night.

The motion of the car makes the water bottles drip so during driving time I removed the water bottles and put grapes into the ratties' cages instead. The grapes provided liquid in a non-drip form. Other watery fruit can be used (melon, strawberry, etc.) but grapes are extremely clean and convenient. Find out in advance if your rats like grapes. If I made a
stop during the day along the road, I put their water bottles on the cage for the time while stopped.

Rats In The Car
My rats were nervous at first, but they were in familiar cages, and I also covered the cages with a sheet or beach towel (something expendable), to keep the world from flashing by so fast, and also to keep drafts and direct sun off of them. Because the car seat dips toward the back, I used either rolled up cloths or small box to put under the cage to make it sit level on the seat. If your cages are big enough and if your rats like hammocks, a hammock will make the ride very smooth for them. Whichever side of the cage faced me, I would uncover that side once we were on the road so that I  could see the rats and they could see me. They always travelled in the back seat, or when I was alone, on the passenger side, depending on the number of cages.

Eating And Other Pit Stops
If you are travelling with other people everything will be much easier. Half the time I was alone. I always ate at fast food places with drive-throughs. The only time my guys were in the car alone was for the few minutes it would take for me to go to the bathroom. I always looked for a shady place to park, even for those few minutes. If none was available, I had a car that I could leave running with the doors locked and the A/C on, but not all cars can do that. Even for those few minutes, if you can't leave A/C running, have the windows open a little. I cannot emphasize strongly enough that heat can build up in a car much faster than you can imagine, and it could kill your rats. It's better to wait to go to the bathroom until you find a shady place to park. Even in a shady place, leave the windows open a little.

For motels I always tried to get one with an outside entrance where I could drive right up to the door. I did not try to get permission to bring rats in for the night. I figured I would be driving all night to find such a place. Instead I disguised the cages to look like coolers for food, or boxes for whatever people need on trips. A towel covered cage looks just a  towel-covered box. Do not be tempted to leave your rats in the car overnight.

In The Motel
I stopped reasonably early in the day to get a good choice of motel room, and also to get the guys settled in for the night. I played with them out of their cages, but *never* *ever* let them on the floor of the room. They could play on the bed, with my own blanket covering it in case of accidents. If your rats are skittish and likely to bolt, don't risk letting them out of the cage. Warning, if the bed was pushed right up to the window, the first thing my guys wanted to do was look outside. It's not a good idea to let them peer out of the windows at passers-by. Once their cages were in the room, I could then go out to eat without having to rush, but I always kept their cages covered up completely when I was not in
the room with them. You never know when "management" might want to go into a room for whatever reason.

Medical Matters
One possible problem on the road is what to do should you need a vet in an emergency. First and foremost, take along Debbie Ducommun's book of Rat Health Care. That will be essential for you, and for any vet who possibly has had little experience with rats. Take along any prescriptions the ratties may have. By that I mean the written prescription if you should need to get it refilled. If they require something that must be kept cool, take along a little cooler and fill it with ice as often as necessary. It is a good idea to take a little cooler anyway, to store their fresh food and your snacks.

Warnings About Weather
The biggest worry in the summer was of course the heat. But, even in winter climate control can be a problem. We travelled in winter too, when there is the danger of the ratties getting too cold. I hung a big thermometer with big numbers on their cage so that I would know what exactly the temperature was at all times. Do not ever be tempted to take in that interesting tourist site "just for a quick look" unless you have a place for your ratties that will be cool enough and safe enough for them. Remember, heat can kill your rats in no time at all. Err on the side of being too cautious. Ratties can take a certain amount of cold, but never forget that HEAT KILLS!!!